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 PCBModem is the utility that you should use to make sure that your modem and
 copy of PCBoard are properly configured to work with one another.

 Loading PCBModem

 To load PCBModem, change to the drive and subdirectory where you installed
 PCBoard.  At the DOS prompt, type:


 Selecting A Modem

 Upon loading PCBModem, you will see the following screen:

 Press any key to continue selecting your modem.  The next screen you are
 shown, asks you to pick the beginning letter of your modem manufacturer.  For
 example, to setup a modem using generic settings, select Manufacturers D-J
 from the menu on the following page.

 On your screen, you will find a list of manufacturers which fit the menu
 selection you entered previously.  Use the cursor keys to move the highlight
 bar on your screen until your modem manufacturer is highlighted.  When it is,
 press ENTER to view the modems of that manufacturer.  For example, to
 configure a generic modem, select 'Generic' from the following menu:

 Next, pick your modem and press enter.  For the purpose of this example, we
 will select 'Generic' 9600/14400 v.42 modem.

 Once your modem has been selected, you will be asked a few questions before
 your modem is initialized.

 Will you be operating in a multitasking environment (Y/N)?

 The purpose of this question is to determine the maximum port opening speed
 for initializing your modem.  Valid answers to this question are:

  N = If you enter this for your answer, you can specify the
      maximum port opening rate that your modem supports.

  Y = This answer will restrict your port opening speed to 9600
      bps.  The reason you are restricted is that running in a
      multitasking environment (with multiple windows open at the
      same time) may expose that your port rate is too high for the
      performance of your computer and you will lose incoming
      bytes. By gradually increasing the port rate from 9600 to
      19200, 38400 and 57600 or 115200 (if your modem supports it),
      you can determine the appropriate port opening speed.

 Enter the port opening speed

 In the field on your screen, enter a valid port opening speed which is less
 than or equal to the maximum value allowed (shown on the same line as the
 question).  Common port opening speeds are 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
 and 115200.  If you enter an invalid speed or a speed that is not supported
 by your modem, the default answer will be re-entered into the field.

 Will you be using external COMM-DRV support (Y/N)?

 Your answer to this question depends on whether or not you have the multiport
 version of PCBoard and if you have installed the multiport driver.  Valid
 responses to this question are:

  N = Use the standard communication routines built into PCBoard.
      These routines can access any serial port using a standard
      UART. If you will be use COM1, COM2, COM3, or COM4, enter
      this response.  Next, you will be asked to enter the COM port
      you will be using.  Enter a response between 1 and 8.  If you
      enter a value higher than 2, you will be asked to also supply
      the base address and IRQ of the serial port you are using.

  Y = If you have installed the multiport driver and you have the
      multiport version of PCBoard, select this menu option.  Next,
      you will be asked to enter the intelligent port that you will
      be using.  Enter the port number you defined using DRVSETUP
      (see the Multiple Nodes chapter) for the modem you are
      attempting to initialize.

 The Initialization Screen

 Now that you have answered all of the questions, you will be shown
 information about your modem including the modem number, description, port,
 and opening speed.  Any special comments about your modem will be listed in
 this section of the screen. The next section of the screen shows the modem
 commands which will be used to initialize the modem.

 When you agree with all of the information that is on the screen, answer Y to
 the Do you want to proceed with the initialization question -- your modem
 will be initialized.  If you answer N to this question, you will be returned
 to the screen where you select modems from your manufacturer.

 PCBModem will now attempt to initialize your modem.  It will send each
 command line to your modem and wait for an OK response.  If there is no
 response from your modem or the response is invalid, PCBModem will report
 there is a problem with your modem .  Refer to the next section for tips on
 finding the problem.  If your modem successfully initializes, you will be
 asked if the new file should be created.  Answer Y to this question to update
 your PCBoard configuration.

 If There Is A Problem

 There are numerous reasons why PCBModem may fail to initialize your modem.
 The list that follows, will give you a few suggestions to help find the
 solution to the problem:

 Check the cabling between modem and computer.  Make sure it is plugged in
 good and tight.

 Insure that the RS-232 cable between your modem and your computer has all of
 the  necessary wires.  A DB-25 pin straight-through cable is highly
 recommended.    Some 25-9 pin cables will not be properly wired for use with

 If PCBModem cannot communicate at all with your modem, check your system for
 potential IRQ conflicts.  If you have two or more devices that attempt to use
 the same IRQ, you will cause a conflict which may render both devices

 If PCBModem reports that no modem is present or it found a bad UART, make
 sure that you specified the proper base address when you were asked questions
 about your COM port.

 If you see the word ERROR printed on the screen with the initialization
 string, an invalid command was sent to your modem.  Contact technical support
 for additional guidance.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson